Papa Eleutero

Papa Eleutero (kwa Kigiriki Ελευθέριος) alikuwa Papa kuanzia takriban 171/177 hadi kifo chake takriban 185/193[1]. Alitokea Nikopoli, Ugiriki.
Alimfuata Papa Soter akafuatwa na Papa Viktor I.
Egesipo aliandika kwamba alikuwa shemasi wa Roma chini ya Papa Aniseti na Papa Soter.
Chini yake uzushi ulienea [2] na Eleutero aliandika kitabu kuupinga [3]
Wafiadini wa Lyon, wakiwa gerezani, walimuandikia barua nzuri sana kuhusu kudumisha amani ya Kanisa[4].
Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki na Waorthodoksi kama mtakatifu.
Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe 26 Mei[5].
Tazama pia
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Watakatifu wa Agano la Kale
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wakristo
- Orodha ya Watakatifu wa Afrika
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wafransisko
- Orodha ya Mapapa
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- ↑
- ↑ The Montanist movement, which originated in Asia Minor, made its way to Rome and Gaul in the second half of the 2nd century, during the reign of Eleuterus. Its nature did not diverge so much from the orthodoxy of the time for it to initially be labeled heresy. During the violent persecution at Lyon, in 177, local confessors wrote from their prison concerning the new movement to the Asiatic and Phrygian communities as well as to Pope Eleuterus. Cfr. Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.3.4; translated by G.A. Williamson, Eusebius: The History of the Church (Harmonsworth: Penguin, 1965), p. 206. The bearer of their letter to the pope was the presbyter Irenaeus, soon to become Bishop of Lyon. It appears from statements of Eusebius concerning these letters that the Christians of Lyon, though opposed to the Montanist movement, advocated patience and pleaded for the preservation of ecclesiastical unity. When the Roman church took its definite stand against Montanism is not precisely known. Tertullian records that a Roman bishop sent some conciliatory letters to the Montanists, but based on the complaints of Praxeas "concerning the prophets themselves and their churches, and by insistence on the decisions of the bishop's predecessors" forced the pontiff to recall these letters. Cfr. Adversus Praxeam, 1
- ↑ The Praedestinatorum Haeresis (once attributed to Augustine of Hippo, but now considered to be the work of an unknown author) states that "Holy Soter, Pope of the City, wrote against them a book, as did the master, Apollonius of Ephesus. Against these wrote the priest Tertullian of Carthage, who "in all ways wrote well, wrote first and wrote incomparably, in this alone did reprehensibly, that he defended Montanus". Cfr. Pseudo-Augustine, Praedestinatorum Haeresis, 1.26
- ↑
- ↑ Martyrologium Romanum: ex Decreto Sacrosancti oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli P.P. II promulgatum, Romae 2001, ISBN 8820972107
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Bede (1903) [731]. The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. London: J.M. Dent & Co. Wikisource. [[wikisource:Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (Jane)/Book 1#9}}}|9]].
- Brusher, Joseph Stanislaus (1980). Popes Through the Ages. San Rafael, California: Neff-Kane. ISBN 978-0-89-141110-9.
- Butler, Alban; Attwater, Donald; Thurston, Herbert (1956). Butler's Lives of the Saints. Juz. la 2. London: Burns & Oates.
- Davis, Raymond (1989). The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis) (tol. la 1st). Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9780853232162.
- Eusebius (1885).
Historia Ecclesiastica. Wikisource.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth (1848) [c. 1136]. Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History. Wikisource. Vol. IV, Ch. XIX. From: Giles, J. A., mhr. (1848). Six Old English Chronicles. London: Henry G. Bohn.
- Haddan, Arthur West; Stubbs, William; Wilkins, David, whr. (1869). "Appendix A: Date of Introduction of Christianity into Britain". Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Juz. la I. Oxford: Clarendon Press. uk. 25.
- Knight, David J. (2012). King Lucius of Britain. Stroud, England: History Press. ISBN 9780752474458.
- Nennius, [attributed] (1848) [c. 830]. History of the Britons. Wikisource. From: Six Old English Chronicles of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals: Ethelwerd's Chronicle, Asser's Life of Alfred, Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1848.
- Rees, William Jenkins (1840). The liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo; or the ancient register of the cathedral church of Llandaff, with an English translation and notes. Llandovery: Rees.
- von Harnack, Adolf (1904). Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie. Juz. la I.
Marejeo mengine
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Beda Venerabilis (731). Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum. Wikisource. Book I, Ch. IV.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth (1854) [c. 1136]. Historia Regnum Britanniae [History of the Kings of Britain] (kwa Kilatini). Vol. IV, Ch. xix. From: Schulz, A., mhr. (1854). Gottfried's von Monmouth Historia Regum Britanniae, mit literar-historischer Einleitung und ausführlichen Anmerkungen, und Brut Tysylio, altwälsce Chronik in deutscher Ueberseizung. Halle, Germany: Eduard Anton.
- Nennius [attrib.] (1898) [c. 830]. Mommsen, Theodor. ed. Historia Brittonum. Wikisource. Vol. II, Ch. xxii.. From: "Historia Brittonvm cvm additamentis Nennii". Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Cronica Minora, Saec. IV.V.VI.VII. Juz. la III. Berlin: Societas Aperiendis Fontibus Rerum Germanicarum Medii Aevi. 1898.
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