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Papa Hyginus

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Papa Hyginus.

Papa Hyginus alikuwa papa kuanzia takriban 138 hadi kifo chake takriban 142/149[1]. Alitokea Ugiriki.

Alimfuata Papa Telesphorus akafuatwa na Papa Pius I.

Alipanga vizuri zaidi daraja takatifu na hasa huduma za chini pamoja na kupambana na uzushi wa Gnosi[2] hata kwa kutumia falsafa[3].

Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki na Waorthodoksi kama mtakatifu.

Sikukuu yake ni tarehe 11 Januari[4].

Tazama pia

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Maandishi yake

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  2. Irenaeus says that the gnostic Valentinus came to Rome in Hyginus' time, remaining there until Anicetus became pontiff (On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis, III, iii). Cerdo, another Gnostic and predecessor of Marcion of Sinope, also lived at Rome in the reign of Hyginus; by confessing his errors and recanting, he succeeded in obtaining readmission into the Church but eventually fell back into heresy and was expelled from the Church. Cfr. Butler, Alban. "St. Hyginus, Pope and Martyr", The Lives of the Saints, vol.1, 1866 Encyclopaedia Perthensis; Or Universal Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, Literature, &c. Intended to Supersede the Use of Other Books of Reference, Volume 5 The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Gnostic GospelsBy J. Michael Matkin Saint Clement, Pope and Martyr, and His Basilica in Rome The Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: In which the Whole Circle of Human Learning is Explained, and the Difficulties Attending the Acquisition of Every Art, Whether Liberal Or Mechanical, are Removed ... The Theological, Philological, and Critical Branches, Volume 2 The Liber Pontificalis also relates that this pope organized the hierarchy and established the order of ecclesiastical precedence (Hic clerum composuit et distribuit gradus). This general observation recurs also in the biography of Pope Hormisdas, but has no historical value. According to Louis Duchesne, the writer probably referred to the lower orders of the clergy.
  4. Martyrologium Romanum: ex Decreto Sacrosancti oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli P.P. II promulgatum, Romae 2001, ISBN 8820972107

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