Patrolojia (kwa Kiingereza "Patrology", kutokana na maneno ya Kigiriki "pater", baba na "logia", elimu) ni taaluma inayohusu mafundisho ya mababu wa Kanisa (karne ya 1 hadi ya 8).
Muhimu zaidi upande wa Mashariki ni: Atanasi, Basili Mkuu, Gregori wa Nazienzi na Yohane Krisostomo.
Upande wa Magharibi ni: Ambrosi, Agostino wa Hippo, Jeromu na Papa Gregori I.
Umuhimu wa fani hiyo unatokana na kwamba watu hao waliishi jirani kidogo na wakati ambapo Yesu na mitume wake waliishi duniani, hivyo waliweza kujua na kuelewa zaidi mafundisho yao, ambayo ndiyo utimilifu wa ufunuo wa Mungu kadiri ya Ukristo.
Kwa msingi huo, Wakatoliki, Waorthodoksi na Waorthodoksi wa Mashariki wanazingatia sana maandishi yao, hasa yanapolingana ingawa yalitolewa katika mazingira mbalimbali, kama uthibitisho wa uwepo wa mapokeo ya Mitume.
Maandishi yao mengi ni kwa lugha ya Kigiriki na ya Kilatini, lakini yapo pia ya Kiaramu, Kimisri, ya Kigeez, ya Kiarmenia n.k.
Kwa kiasi kikubwa yalikusanywa na padri Jacques Paul Migne katika magombo mengi ya:
Hata hivyo wataalamu wanazidi kuyatoa upya kwa usahihi zaidi na kutoa mengine yaliyopatikana baada ya toleo la Migne.
Vyanzo na viungo vya nje
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Alin Suciu's blog on Patristic literature
- Ilihifadhiwa 29 Septemba 2017 kwenye Wayback Machine. The Writings of the Ancient Church updated for a Modern World
- Catholic Encyclopedia- Patrology
- Free digital bilingual edition (french - greek or latin) of patristic texts, studies, meditations, prayers.
- Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Collection A 38 volume set containing most of the major works of the first 800 years of Christian patristic writings.
- Early Church Texts A site with a growing number of original language patristic texts and translations, together with an extensive set of links to online resources about the Early Church.
- Corunum Large collection of patristic texts that outline the cardinal doctrines of the Catholic faith.
- Ecole Initiative Ilihifadhiwa 28 Desemba 2005 kwenye Wayback Machine. Online collection of patristic texts, images, and information.
- Faulkner University Patristics Project A growing collection of English translations of patristic texts and high-resolution scans from the comprehensive Patrologia compiled by J. P. Migne.
- Patristics In English Project Ilihifadhiwa 7 Mei 2007 kwenye Wayback Machine. An online initiative whose aim is to scan and present all out of copyright patristic texts as well as providing new translations of previously untranslated patristic texts.
- St. Pachomius Library Ilihifadhiwa 16 Septemba 2017 kwenye Wayback Machine. Large collection of various patristic texts and information dealing with Eastern Orthodoxy.
- The Tertullian Project A scholarly site devoted to the study of the 2nd-century Latin patristic writer Tertullian. Also includes many out of copyright patristic texts.
- International Association of Patristics Studies Ilihifadhiwa 4 Februari 2007 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- L'Istituto Patristico Augustinianum di Roma Ilihifadhiwa 1 Februari 2017 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- North American Patristics Society
- "Way of the Fathers" Weblog
- Roger Pearse weblog - mainly patristic
- Migne Patrologia Latina and Graeca free digital edition of almost all the texts.
- Fourth Century Christianity -College website devoted to 4th-century Christianity
- Gérard Vallée, The shaping of Christianity
- Search tool for Patrologia Graeca Ilihifadhiwa 20 Januari 2021 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Kwa sauti
- Patristics for Busy Pastors by Dr J Ligon Duncan Ilihifadhiwa 13 Mei 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Church History 1: Dr Gerald Bray Ilihifadhiwa 19 Mei 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.
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