Margareta wa Uskoti

Margareta wa Uskoti (1046 – 1093) alikuwa malkia wa Uskoti kama mke wa mfalme Malkolm III.
Mwaka 1250 ametangazwa na Papa Innocent IV kuwa mtakatifu.
Sikukuu yake ni tarehe 16 Novemba[1].
[hariri | hariri chanzo]Margareta alizaliwa mwaka 1046 nchini Hungaria, ambako baba yake aliishi uhamishoni.
Aliolewa na Malkolm III, mfalme wa Uskoti, akapata watoto wanane.
Alikuwa mfano wa pekee kama mke bora, mama halisi na malkia wa nchi, akijitahidi sana kuistawisha pamoja na Kanisa, akiunganisha na sala na saumu ukarimu kwa maskini [2].
Alifariki mjini Edinburgh mwaka 1093.
Tazama pia
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Watakatifu wa Agano la Kale
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wakristo
- Orodha ya Watakatifu wa Afrika
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wafransisko
[hariri | hariri chanzo]Marejeo
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Chronicle of the Kings of Alba
- Anderson, Marjorie O. (ed.). Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1980. 249-53.
- Hudson, B.T. (ed. and tr.). Scottish Historical Review 77 (1998): 129–61.
- Anderson, Alan Orr (tr.). Early Sources of Scottish History: AD 500–1286. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1923. Reprinted in 1990 (with corrections).
- Turgot, Vita S. Margaretae (Scotorum) Reginae
- ed. J. Hodgson Hinde, Symeonis Dunelmensis opera et collectanea. Surtees Society 51. 1868. 234-54 (Appendix III).
- tr. William Forbes-Leith, Life of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland by Turgot, Bishop of St Andrews. Edinburgh, 1884. PDF available from the Internet Archive. Third edition published in 1896.
- tr. anon., The life and times of Saint Margaret, Queen and Patroness of Scotland. London, 1890. PDF available from the Internet Archive
- William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum Anglorum
- ed. and tr. R.A.B. Mynors, R.M. Thomson and M. Winterbottom, William of Malmesbury. Gesta Regum Anglorum. The History of the English Kings. OMT. 2 vols: vol 1. Oxford, 1998.
- Orderic Vitalis, Historia Ecclesiastica
- ed. and tr. Marjorie Chibnall, The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis. 6 vols. OMT. Oxford, 1968–1980.
- John of Worcester, Chronicle (of Chronicles)
- ed. B. Thorpe, Florentii Wigorniensis monachi chronicon ex chronicis. 2 vols. London, 1848-9
- tr. J. Stevenson, Church Historians of England. 8 vols: vol. 2.1. London, 1855. 171–372.
- John Capgrave, Nova Legenda Angliae
- Acta SS. II, Juni, 320. London, 1515. 225
- Baker, D. "A nursery of saints: St Margaret of Scotland reconsidered." In Medieval women, ed. D. Baker. SCH. Subsidia 1. 1978.
- Bellesheim, Alphons. History of the Catholic Church in Scotland. Vol 3, tr. Blair. Edinburgh, 1890. 241-63.
- Butler, Alban. Lives of the Saints. 10 Juni.
- Challoner, Richard. Britannia Sancta, I. London, 1745. 358.
- Dunlop, Eileen, Queen Margaret of Scotland, 2005, NMS Enterprises Limited – Publishing, Edinburgh, 978 1 901663 92 1
- Huneycutt, L.L. "The idea of a perfect princess: the Life of St Margaret in the reign of Matilda II (1100–1118)." Anglo-Norman Studies 12 (1989): 81–97.
- Madan. The Evangelistarium of St. Margaret in Academy. 1887.
- Parsons, John Carmi. Medieval Mothering. 1996.
- Olsen, Ted Kristendommen og kelterne forlaget (2008) Oslo: forlaget Luther (p. 170) ISBN 978-82-531-4564-8 Norwegian
- Skene, W.F. Celtic Scotland. Edinburgh.
- Stanton, Richard. Menology of England and Wales. London, 1887. 544.
- Wilson, A.J. St Margaret, queen of Scotland. 1993.
Viungo vya nje
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- [1]
- University of Pittsburgh: Margaret of Scotland Ilihifadhiwa 7 Desemba 2003 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Margaret of Scotland
- Medieval Women: The Life Of St Margaret, Queen Of Scotland Ilihifadhiwa 6 Julai 2011 kwenye Wayback Machine. By Turgot, Bishop Of St Andrews Ed. William Forbes-Leith, S.J. Third Edition. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1896 . Retrieved 14 Machi 2011.
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