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Oswald wa Northumbria

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Mt. Oswald alivyochorwa katika karne ya 12 (kanisa kuu la Durham).

Oswald wa Northumbria (Deira, Northumbria, 604 hivi – Maserfield, 5 Agosti 641/642[1]) alikuwa mfalme wa Northumbria kuanzia mwaka 634 hadi kifo chake vitani. Aliunganisha tena nchi na kueneza Ukristo ndani yake[2].

Ni kwamba mwaka 616 alilazimishwa kwenda uhamishoni katika kisiwa cha Iona ambako akabadilika kuwa Mkristo na kubatizwa.

Mwaka 634 Oswald alirudishiwa ufalme wa Northumbria akaamua kuwaingiza katika Ukristo wananchi wake ambao wengi wao walikuwa Wapagani. Ili kutekeleza lengo hilo aliwaomba watawa wa Iona wamtumie wamisionari, naye Aidani wa Lindisfarne akafika mwaka 635.

Aidan alichagua kisiwa cha Lindisfarne kiwe makao makuu ya dayosisi yake kwa vile kilikuwa karibu na ngome ya kifalme kule Bamburgh.

Mwanzoni alikuwa mfalme Oswald mwenyewe aliyewatafsiria Aidan na watawa wake kwa vile walikuwa hawajajifunza lugha ya kale ya Kiingereza.

Jamadari hodari, ingawa alipenda zaidi amani, aliuawa na Wapagani waliomchukia Yesu Kristo.

Habari zake ziliandikwa hasa na Beda Mheshimiwa[1] Ilihifadhiwa 22 Novemba 2001 kwenye Wayback Machine..

Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki, Waorthodoksi na Waanglikana kama mtakatifu mfiadini[3][4].

Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe ya kifo chake[5].

Tazama pia

[hariri | hariri chanzo]
  1. Bede gives the year of Oswald's death as 642, however there is some question as to whether what Bede considered 642 is the same as what would now be considered 642. R. L. Poole (Studies in Chronology and History, 1934) put forward the theory that Bede's years began in September, and if this theory is followed (as it was, for instance, by Frank Stenton in his notable history Anglo-Saxon England, first published in 1943), then the date of the Battle of Heavenfield (and the beginning of Oswald's reign) is pushed back from 634 to 633. Thus, if Oswald subsequently reigned for eight years, he would have actually been killed in 641. Poole's theory has been contested, however, and arguments have been made that Bede began his year on 25 December or 1 January, in which case Bede's years would be accurate as he gives them.
  3. See entry for 5 August Ilihifadhiwa 18 Juni 2017 kwenye Wayback Machine..
  4. Craig, Oswald
  5. Martyrologium Romanum
  • Adomnán, Life of Saint Columba translated and edited Richard Sharpe. ISBN 0-14-044462-9
  • Bede (731). Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. (as Leo Sherley-Price (trans.) (2008). Farmer, D. H.; Latham, Ronald E. (whr.). The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Penguin Classics. Penguin. ISBN 978-0-14-044565-7.)
  • Bailey, Richard N., "St Oswald's Heads", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Brooks, Nicholas, "The formation of the Mercian kingdom", in S. Bassett (ed.), The Origins of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms (1989).
  • Craig, D. J. (2004). "Oswald (St Oswald) (603/4–642), king of Northumbria". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/20916. Iliwekwa mnamo 20 Julai 2012.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
  • Karkov, Catherine E. (2004). The Ruler Portraits of Anglo-Saxon England. The Boydell Press. ISBN 1-84383-059-0.
  • Kirby, D.P., The Earliest English Kings (1991, 2000). ISBN 0-04-445692-1
  • Pelteret, David A.E. "Oswald: d. 642," Reader's Guide to British History (London: Routledge, 2003) online in Credo Reference. Historiography
  • Remfry, P.M., Annales Cambriae. A Translation of Harleian 3859; PRO E.164/1; Cottonian Domitian, A 1; Exeter Cathedral Library MS. 3514 and MS Exchequer DB Neath, PRO E (ISBN 1-899376-81-X)
  • Rollason, David, "St Oswald in Post-Conquest England", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996).
  • Stancliffe, Clare, "Oswald, 'Most Holy and Most Victorious King of the Northumbrians'", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996).
  • Stancliffe, Clare, "Where Was Oswald Killed?", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Tudor, Victoria, "Reginald's Life of St Oswald", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Ziegler, Michelle, "The Politics of Exile in Early Northumbria", The Heroic Age, Issue 2, Autumn/Winter 1999.

Marejeo mengine

[hariri | hariri chanzo]
  • Adams, Max (2013), The King in the North: The Life and Times of Oswald of Northumbria. ISBN 1781854181

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