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Laurenti wa Canterbury

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
Kaburi la Mt. Laurenti huko Canterbury.

Laurenti wa Canterbury (alifariki 2 Februari 619) kuanzia mwaka 604 alikuwa askofu mkuu wa pili wa Canterbury (Uingereza).

Alikuwa ametumwa huko na Papa Gregori I mwaka 595 kama mmisionari kwa Waangli na Wasaksoni pamoja na Augustino wa Canterbury[1]. Aliendeleza na kustawisha kazi ya huyo mtangulizi wake, hasa kwa kumuongoa mfalme Edbati.

Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki, Waorthodoksi na Waanglikana kama mtakatifu.

Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe ya kifo chake[2] au 3 Februari.

Tazama pia

[hariri | hariri chanzo]
  • Bede (1988). A History of the English Church and People. New York: Penguin Classics. ISBN 0-14-044042-9. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |editors= ignored (|editor= suggested) (help)
  • Blair, Peter Hunter (1990) [1970]. The World of Bede (tol. la Reprint). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-39819-3.
  • Brooks, Nicholas (1984). The Early History of the Church of Canterbury: Christ Church from 597 to 1066. London: Leicester University Press. ISBN 0-7185-0041-5.
  • Brooks, N. P. (2004). "Laurence (d. 619)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (tol. la October 2005 revised). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/16166. Iliwekwa mnamo 7 Novemba 2007.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link) Kigezo:ODNBsub
  • Décarreaux, Jean (1964). Monks and Civilization: From the Barbarian Invasions to the Reign of Charlemagne. Charlotte Haldane (trans.). London: George Allen. OCLC 776345.
  • Delaney, John P. (1980). Dictionary of Saints (tol. la Second). Garden City, NY: Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-13594-7.
  • Farmer, David Hugh (2004). Oxford Dictionary of Saints (tol. la Fifth). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-860949-0.
  • Fryde, E. B.; Greenway, D. E.; Porter, S.; Roy, I. (1996). Handbook of British Chronology (tol. la Third revised). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-56350-X.
  • Hindley, Geoffrey (2006). A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons: The Beginnings of the English Nation. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7867-1738-5.
  • Kirby, D. P. (2000). The Earliest English Kings. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-24211-8.
  • Lapidge, Michael (2001). "Laurentius". Katika Lapidge, Michael; Blair, John; Keynes, Simon; Scragg, Donald (whr.). The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. uk. 279. ISBN 978-0-631-22492-1.
  • Nilson, Ben (1998). Cathedral Shrines of Medieval England. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press. ISBN 0-85115-540-5.
  • Stenton, F. M. (1971). Anglo-Saxon England (tol. la Third). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-280139-5.
  • Walsh, Michael J. (2007). A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West. London: Burns & Oats. ISBN 0-86012-438-X.
  • Ward, Benedicta (1990). The Venerable Bede. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing. ISBN 0-8192-1494-9.
  • Wright, J. Robert (2008). A Companion to Bede: A Reader's Commentary on The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-6309-6.
  • Yorke, Barbara (2006). The Conversion of Britain: Religion, Politics and Society in Britain c. 600–800. London: Pearson/Longman. ISBN 0-582-77292-3.
  • Yorke, Barbara (1997). Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-16639-X.

Marejeo mengine

[hariri | hariri chanzo]
  • Sharpe, R. (1995). "The Setting to St Augustine's Translation, 1091". Katika Eales, R.; Sharpe, R. (whr.). Canterbury and the Norman Conquest: Churches, Saints, and Scholars, 1066-1109. London: Hambledon Press. ku. 1–13. ISBN 185285068X.
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