Optatus wa Milevi

Optatus wa Milevi alikuwa askofu wa Milevi, huko Numidia, katika karne ya 4; anakumbukwa hasa kwa maandishi yake bora dhidi ya Parmenianus na wafuasi wengine wa Donato Mkuu[1], ambayo yalisisitiza kwamba Kanisa ni la kimataifa, na kwamba Wakristo wanahitaji sana kuwa na umoja kati yao wote.
Optatus alikuwa ameongokea Ukristo, alivyoandika Augustino wa Hippo[2], labda baada ya kuwa mtaalamu wa kuhubiri Mpagani.
Tangu kale Optatus anaheshimiwa na Kanisa Katoliki kama mtakatifu.
Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe 4 Juni[3][4].
Tazama pia
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Watakatifu wa Agano la Kale
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wakristo
- Orodha ya Watakatifu wa Afrika
- Orodha ya Watakatifu Wafransisko
- Mababu wa Kanisa
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- ↑ St. Jerome (De viris illustribus, # 110) tells us it was in six books and was written under Valens and Valentinian (364-75). We now possess seven books, and the list of popes is carried as far as Siricius (384-98). Similarly the Donatist succession of antipopes is given (II, IV), as Victor, Bonifatius, Encolpius, Macrobius, Lucianus, Claudianus (the date of the last is about 380), though a few sentences earlier Macrobius is mentioned as the actual bishop. The plan of the work is laid down in Book I, and is completed in six books. It seems, then, that the seventh book, which St. Jerome did not know in 392, was an appendix to a new edition in which St. Optatus made additions to the two episcopal lists. The date of the original work is fixed by the statement in I, xiii, that sixty years and more had passed since the persecution of Diocletian (303-5). Photinus (d. 376) is apparently regarded as still alive; Julian is dead (363). Thus the first books were published about 366-70, and the second edition about 385-90.
- ↑ "Do we not see with how great a booty of gold and silver and garments Cyprian, doctor suavissimus, came forth out of Egypt, and likewise Lactantius, Victorinus, Optatus, Hilary?" (De Doctrina Christ., xl).
- ↑ Martyrologium Romanum
- ↑ https://catholicsaints.info/saint-optatus-of-milevis/
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Quick links to the separate books and parts of ‘Against the Donatists’, in a 1917 translation. www.tertullian.org.
. Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
- The editio princeps was by Cochlæus (Mainz, 1549). More manuscripts were used by Balduinus (Paris, 1563 and 1569), whose text was frequently reprinted in the seventeenth century. Louis-Ellies Dupin's edition includes a history of the Donatists and a geography of Africa (Paris 1700--); it is reprinted in Gallandi and in Migne (Patrologia Latina, XI). The best edition is that of Ziwza (CSEL, XXVI, Vienna, 1893), with description of the manuscripts.
- Donatism. Online Dynamic Bibliography.
- Mireille Labrousse, Sources Chrétiennes 412, 413
- Hermann Sieben, Fontes Christiani 56, 2013
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