Rasi ya Cape York
10°41′S 142°32′E / 10.683°S 142.533°E Rasi ya Cape York ni rasi kubwa kaskazini mwa jimbo la Queensland, Australia. Ni pori kubwa kabisa la Australia ya mashariki ambayo haina miji na mojawapo ya maeneo ya mwisho ambayo hayajaguswa bado na maendeleo ya kisasa duniani.[1]
Eneo lake ni tambarare bila milima na nusu yake hutumiwa kwa ufugaji wa ng'ombe. Leo hii savana zake za mikalatusi, misitu ya mvua ya kitropiki, na aina nyingine za makazi ya kiekolojia zinatambuliwa kuwa muhimu ulimwenguni. [2]

Jiografia na jiolojia
[hariri | hariri chanzo]Eneo la rasi hiyo ni la km² 137,000 upande wa kaskazini ya latitudo ya 16.[3] Kutoka ncha ya rasi kuna umbali wa km 160 kupitia mlangobahari wa Torres hadi kufikia Guinea Mpya.
Pwani ya magharibi imepakana na Ghuba ya Carpentaria na pwani ya mashariki na Bahari ya Matumbawe. Hakuna mpaka ulio wazi upande wa kusini, lakini kisheria latitudo ya 16 imefafanuliwa kuwa mpaka wa eneo lake.[4]
Cape York ndiyo sehemu ya kaskazini zaidi katika bara la Australia. Jina lilichaguliwa mwaka 1770 na nahodha James Cook kwa heshima ya Edward, Duke wa York na Albany aliyekuwa ndugu wa mfalme George III wa Uingereza.

[hariri | hariri chanzo]- ↑ Mittermeier, R.E. et al. (2002). Wilderness: Earth’s last wild places. Mexico City: Agrupación Sierra Madre, S.C.
- ↑ Mackey, B. G., Nix, H., & Hitchcock, P. (2001). The natural heritage significance of Cape York Peninsula. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/register/p00582aj.pdf Ilihifadhiwa 24 Januari 2004 kwenye Wayback Machine..
- ↑ Frith, D.W., Frith, C.B. (1995). Cape York Peninsula: A Natural History. Chatswood: Reed Books Australia. Reprinted with amendments in 2006.
- ↑ Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel. (2007). Cape York Peninsula Heritage Act 2007. Retrieved March 23, 2008, from http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/C/CapeYorkPHA07.pdf
Marejeo mengine
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Holmes, John. 2011. Contesting the Future of Cape York Peninsula. Australian Geographer, Vol, 42, No. 1.
- Hough, Richard. 1994. Captain James Cook: a biography. Hodder and Stroughton, London. ISBN 0-340-58598-6.
- Pike, Glenville. 1979. Queen of the North: A Pictorial History of Cooktown and Cape York Peninsula. G. Pike. ISBN 0-9598960-5-8.
- Moon, Ron & Viv. 2003. Cape York: An Adventurer's Guide. 9th edition. Moon Adventure Publications, Pearcedale, Victoria. ISBN 0-9578766-4-5
- Moore, David R. 1979. Islanders and Aborigines at Cape York: An ethnographic reconstruction based on the 1848-1850 'Rattlesnake' Journals of O. W. Brierly and information he obtained from Barbara Thompson. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. Canberra. ISBN 0-85575-076-6 (hbk); 0-85575-082-0 (pbk). USA edition ISBN 0-391-00946-X (hbk); 0-391-00948-6 (pbk).
- Pohlner, Peter. 1986. Gangaurru. Hopevale Mission Board, Milton, Queensland. ISBN 1-86252-311-8
- Trezise, P.J. 1969. Quinkan Country: Adventures in Search of Aboriginal Cave Paintings in Cape York. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Sydney.
- Trezise, Percy. 1973. Last Days of a Wilderness. William Collins (Aust) Ltd., Brisbane. ISBN 0-00-211434-8.
- Trezise, P.J. 1993. Dream Road: A Journey of Discovery. Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards, Sydney.
- Haviland, John B. with Hart, Roger. 1998. Old Man Fog and the Last Aborigines of Barrow Point. Crawford House Publishing, Bathurst.
- Premier's Department (prepared by Connell Wagner). 1989. Cape York Peninsula Resource Analysis. Cairns. (1989). ISBN 0-7242-7008-6.
- Roth, W.E. 1897. The Queensland Aborigines. 3 Vols. Reprint: Facsimile Edition, Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, W.A., 1984. ISBN 0-85905-054-8
- Ryan, Michelle and Burwell, Colin, eds. 2000. Wildlife of Tropical North Queensland: Cooktown to Mackay. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. ISBN 0-85905-045-9 (set of 3 vols).
- Scarth-Johnson, Vera. 2000. National Treasures: Flowering plants of Cooktown and Northern Australia. Vera Scarth-Johnson Gallery Association, Cooktown. ISBN 0-646-39726-5 (pbk); ISBN 0-646-39725-7 Limited Edition - Leather Bound.
- Sutton, Peter (ed). Languages of Cape York: Papers presented to a Symposium organised by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. (1976). ISBN 0-85575-046-4
- Wallace, Lennie. 2000. Nomads of the 19th Century Queensland Goldfields. Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton. ISBN 1-875998-89-6
- Wallace, Lennie. 2003. Cape York Peninsula: A History of Unlauded Heroes 1845-2003. Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton. ISBN 1-876780-43-6
- Wynter, Jo and John Hill. 1991. Cape York Peninsula: Pathways to Community Economic Development. The Final Report of The Community Economic Development Projects Cook Shire. Cook Shire Council.
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