Majadiliano ya mtumiaji:Sj
Ukitaka kunisaidia kutafsiri sehemu zote ambazo bado ni kwa Kiingereza. (See also my meta talkpage)
Older chats
[hariri chanzo]Hi, thanks for the welcome, although my Swahili isn't nearly good enough to do any real contributions here myself (yet!). I don't have any university contacts in East Africa (I went to school in Nairobi, my parents still live in Naivasha, and my fiancee did some voluntary work in Iringa recently -- that's the extent of my East Africa links at the moment, I'm afraid). Matt Crypto 16:46, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Habari! Thank you SJ for the welcome! I probably speak less Kiswahili than Nawatl, if that's possible. Anyway, I look forward to watching this wiki grow. --Chamdarae 09:41, 29 Septemba 2005 (UTC)
Jambo, Sj! Habari gani? Asante sana kwa karibisho. Nitajaribu kumsaidia. --Lilendi 09:00, 30 Septemba 2005 (UTC)
- Jambo Lilendi! na karibu. Sj (majadiliano)
thanks for the welcome. Are you an admin here? Revolución 03:40, 5 Novemba 2005 (UTC)
Habari Bwana SJ. Nimeangalia kurasa hizi mara kadhaa, nimeona sawa nijaribu kuchangia. Ila tu sijaelewa bado jinsi ya kuweka jina langu hapa - kipala 05-12-15
Kimada Yesu Kanisa (cross-project spam, april 2006)
- Format Problem
SJ, I send this problem to several of you admin people as most of you have been very kimya these days. Who can fix it? --Kipala 22:31, 13 Septemba 2006 (UTC)
- <checks bugzilla>
- Hello Kipala. Now that you are back, I would like to draw your attention to something which I find difficult to explain in Swahili. Have you noticed that since a while the lines that separate the sections of the articles are visible inside the taxoboxes? This is not the case in other Wikipedias. Can this be fixed? ChriKo 21:42, 13 Septemba 2006 (UTC)
- It is not only a problem of the taxoboxes. I have seen it with some country-boxes (which ones??) --Kipala 14:36, 20 Septemba 2006 (UTC)
- Hello Kipala. Now that you are back, I would like to draw your attention to something which I find difficult to explain in Swahili. Have you noticed that since a while the lines that separate the sections of the articles are visible inside the taxoboxes? This is not the case in other Wikipedias. Can this be fixed? ChriKo 21:42, 13 Septemba 2006 (UTC)
Kindly have a look at Uswidi. Textbox country is being overwritten ba gallery. We had this before with taxoboxes and the inset windowa of templates like "mbegu". Any idea how to help? -- 19:51, 5 Oktoba 2006 (UTC)
- I'm quite curious myself. Looking into it... Sj 02:26, 28 Oktoba 2006 (UTC) Seems to be a lingering problem in some languages. Firefox bug?
Tufunge uhariri kwa wale waliojiandikisha?
[hariri chanzo]Napendekeza kufungs uharitri wa makala kwa watumiaji waliojiandikisha. Uhalifu wote hadi sasa ilikuwa ya watu bila jina. Leo nilirudisha "Msaada wa kuanzisha makala" baada ya uhalifu. Hatujakuwa na matatizo mengi bado lakini ilhali tuko wachache inasumbua hata hivyo. Wasimamizi wenzangu: Je kuna tatizo lolote tukitaka kuruhusu uhariri wote kwa waliojiandikisha tu? (Naomba jibu kwenye ukurasa Wikipedia:Jumuia) --Kipala 20:59, 27 Februari 2007 (UTC)
Uteuzi mpya
[hariri chanzo]Kuna pendekezo jipya kwa bureaucrat. Naomba uangalie ukurasa wa wakabidhi. --Oliver Stegen 09:17, 1 Machi 2008 (UTC)
Mwanaharakati awe bureaucrat
[hariri chanzo]Nimemteua Mwanaharakati achaguliwa kuwa msimamizi mkuu pamoja nasi (b'crat). Naomba upige kura kwenye ukurasa wa wakabidhi. Asante! --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 07:18, 28 Mei 2009 (UTC)
- Ok, asante BT. Sj (majadiliano) 19:31, 5 Juni 2009 (UTC)
Kuondoa haki za usimamizi kwa baadhi ya watumiaji
[hariri chanzo]Sj, salam! Unatakiwa utoe mawazo yako juu ya kuondoshwa kwa haki za usimamizi kwa baadhi ya watumiaji wasionekana kwa kipindi kirefu sana. Orodha hiyo unaweza kuipata hapa. Ahsante na kila la kheri.--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 16:20, 10 Julai 2009 (UTC)
[hariri chanzo]- Hello, Mr. Chairman of the Board of Trustees? I voted [for] you!!!
MwanaharakatiLonga 08:22, 18 Septemba 2009 (UTC)
- Hi! Nipo... trustee mojawapo pekee ;) Asante Muddyb. Sj (majadiliano) 08:33, 18 Septemba 2009 (UTC)
- Ahsante!!!--
MwanaharakatiLonga 08:54, 18 Septemba 2009 (UTC)
- Ahsante!!!--
mradi wa Google kwa ajili ya wikipedia yetu
[hariri chanzo]Ndugu Sj, salaam!
Nimepata mawasiliano kutoka Christine Moon huko Palo Alto, California. Yeye anafanya kazi kwa shirika la Google, nao wameanza kupanga mradi au huduma kwa ajili ya wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu nchini Tanzania na Kenya ili waelimishwe kuandika makala kwa wikipedia ya Kiswahili. Kumbe!
Christine sasa ametualika kumwandikia maoni yetu, angalia tovuti hiyo:
Bahati mbaya yeye haelewi Kiswahili, kwa hiyo itakuwa lazima kumwandikia kwa Kiingereza. Asante kwa michango yako!
Ni wako katika ujenzi wa lugha yetu,
--Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 08:08, 10 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)
- Moved section to user:Sj/Wikicup Sj (majadiliano) 16:27, 10 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)
- It's gone quiet at your wikicup section. And the plan to agree on a chat session earlier this week also hasn't come to fruition. What's happening? --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 15:09, 15 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)
Ahsante SJ. Nimepata mwaliko wako na nitafurahi kusaidia nitakavyoweza. arthur buliva
mkutano wa Skype kesho kutwa
[hariri chanzo]Ndugu Sj, salaam! Alivyoniomba Christine, nimewaalika wengine pia kwa mkutano wetu wa kesho kutwa, hasa wakabidhi wenzetu wa wikipedia hii. Maneno ya mwaliko ni kama yafuatayo: "Jumatatu tarehe 19, saa kuminamoja za mchana/jioni (yaani saa za Nairobi) tutajaribu kukutana kwenye Skype kwa ajili ya majadiliano kuhusu kuwahamasisha wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu nchini Kenya na Tanzania kutumia na kuichangia makala wikipedia ya Kiswahili. Mpaka sasa tupo wanne: Christine wa Google (mooncheech), Sj (metasj), Muddyb (mohammed.lupinga) nami (stegling). Ni tumaini langu kuwa utakuwepo." Haya - salamu nyingi kutoka Nairobi, --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 19:01, 17 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)
majadiliano kuhusu utafsiri wa istilahi
[hariri chanzo]Ndugu Sj, salaam! Nimeanzisha majadiliano mapya kuhusu utafsiri wa istilahi ya wikipedia yetu hapa. Naomba uyaangalie na kuchangia maoni yako. Asante! --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 09:37, 23 Oktoba 2009 (UTC) .
Uchaguzi Mpya
[hariri chanzo]Salam, SJ. Unaombwa upige kura katika ukurasa wa wakabidhi wa Wikipedia. Mmoja kati ya wachangiaji wenzetu (Mr Accountable amejiteua kuwa mkabidhi! Ili kumpgia kura, tafadhali fungua hapa. Ahsante sana.-- MwanaharakatiLonga 18:32, 28 Novemba 2009 (UTC)
[hariri chanzo]Hi SJ --
I saw your post over on the English Wiki talk page for the WikiCup and decided to come over here and offer some assistance. Though this will be my first year at WikiCup, I've been active at the WikiProject Aviation Contest, which I understand is based on the WikiCup format (though it focuses more on actual content than moderated content.) I'd be happy to do pretty much everything except translation (I took half a semester of Swahili in college freshman year and remember next to nothing, but I've borrowed some Rosetta Stone software which should get me up to passing soon enough.)
Regards -- Mukkakukaku (majadiliano) 16:15, 7 Desemba 2009 (UTC)
- Awesome, thank you. Replied on your talk page! Sj (majadiliano)
[hariri chanzo]Hey SJ
I'm just enquiring if, after creating an article about, say a local hotel, i may attach a photo that I personally took with my digital camera so as to reduce the hustle of claiming authenticity and copyright from photos taken from the net. Also, photos of such local hotels and schools may be hard to find on the web, so I think it may be more efficient to attach first-hand photos. What do you think?? --Abbasjnr (majadiliano) 07:28, 26 Machi 2010 (UTC)
Uso mpya
[hariri chanzo]Salaam SJ nisipokosei unazoea habari za Meta. Nimejaribu kupata watu kule lakini hadi sasa bila jibu. Ok the problem is the new surface that popped up one day. Must be a change somewhere at Meta or Wikimedia. Do you know anybody who can switch it off? It gives us a problem with our help pages and the explanatiosn on them: icons, explanations about which window to use for what . Then the new users start automatically in the new mode. It is relevant now as we are getting new people doing the medical translations via the new google project.
Besides that I do not like it personnally - in German wiki I can at least return to the old surface as it was but not here (only partly). New users cannot do it as they do not know and we cannot start with them explaining 2 different surface versions. Why are people on other wikipedias beinga sked if they want it and we not???? Kipala (majadiliano) 18:29, 20 Septemba 2010 (UTC)
- The "Vector" skin is now the default skin for new users, on all projects. I don't think any project has a choice... Sj + 19:06, 20 Septemba 2010 (UTC)
This one on sw really brings problems because of the googlge initiative (new people) and the question who is to rewrite our help pages??? Please try to get me a contact i shall gladly pester them myself. At least on German I could choose to retain the old face, different from what I get here. Anyway that is no help for a new user here at sw who starts in the new shell (which has nice features for experienced users but for new users that is not so good). Kipala (majadiliano) 13:22, 21 Septemba 2010 (UTC)
Help with picture rights
[hariri chanzo]Hi I hope you can give me some advice. I obtained the permit to use some images from a blog by Chemi Che Mponda (an obviously well known TZ- blogger now living in US). She requested, however, some form of attribution to her as author. So I decided on Laiseni Huria ya Umma "Attribution 3.0 Unported" (Cretaive Commons). Now I am not sure if it is enough if anybody opening the image files sees that attribution or if I have to include it also in the caption of the image e.g. here The image file is Appreciate your advice. Kipala (majadiliano) 19:29, 14 Desemba 2010 (UTC)
- Happy new year and 10th anniversary! I hope you partook in the celebrations in your area. CC-SA 3.0 is a good license to choose. You simply need to include it in the metadata of the file on its own page. Additionally, if you move it to Wikimedia Commons others can use it on other languages and projects. Sj +
Sw-Wiki / JWLetter
[hariri chanzo]Hi Sj hopefully you still have some access to the people running the place. On sw we have an ugly version of JW's call for donations. Somebody made it a 4-liner which is just to wide for the average laptog screen like mine - other wikis I looked at have it as a 3-liner. And secondly the text is lousy Swahili. Should read: "Usome tafadhali: Barua kutoka Jimmy Wales, mwanzilishaji wa wikipedia!". The text tself is not this years appeal but probably last Year's, which I cannot check. No idea who provided the bad headline or put it on site - but if you know anyone who can correct the Swahili and make it a 3-liner, I appreciate. Kipala (majadiliano) 11:25, 20 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
- Babu, salaam. Nimeona kichwa cha barua bwana. It's weird translation - lakini si jambo kubwa sana kwa vile najua wapi nitaipata! Nitatumia msaada wa yule dada wa Kiwelisi ataweza kusaidia kwa kiasi kikubwa kabisa.--MwanaharakatiLonga 09:32, 22 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
- Nimeweka pia tafsiri ya barua ya mwaka huu pale Meta wanapoiandaa - kama unaweza kufika huko soma na gonga ok maana wanataka mtu wa pili athebitishe. Kipala (majadiliano) 10:16, 22 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
- Tafadhali nisaidie kiungo!--MwanaharakatiLonga 11:48, 22 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
- Unaweza kufika kpitia "Jumuiya" - Kipala (majadiliano) 17:00, 22 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
- Ah, ahsante mzee wangu. Nilifikia ukurasa tangu jana! Nilichofanya nilienda Meta na kutazama michango yako uliyofanya ukiwa kule na kuingia pale nilipopataka! Nadhani umeona nilichokifanya kule Meta...--MwanaharakatiLonga 05:55, 23 Novemba 2011 (UTC)
Thanks, Kipala! You found the right place to discuss it on Meta in the end. Sj +
Pendekezo kuhusu utaratibu wa kuanzisha makala kwa watumiaji waliojiandisha pekee
[hariri chanzo]naomba usome hapa na fanya uamuzi wako: Wikipedia:Jumuia#Pendekezo:_Utaratibu_wa_kuanzisha_makala Kipala (majadiliano) 14:58, 26 Novemba 2012 (UTC)
- Hi Kipala, wazo nzuri. Kudos kwa Marco! Sj + 20:23, 20 Machi 2013 (UTC)
2 questions
[hariri chanzo]Hi, before publishing anything here I need to have a sanbox to test. I cannot see it among options that are available to me. Can you grant me it?
On other Wikis addding list of contents requires just to use curly brackets around the List Name: {{}} Here it does not work.
Can you help me? Regards
- Anyone can edit Wikipedia:Sanduku_la_mchanga
- For a list of contents, try
on a page. - Sj +
Kupakia mafaili, Sogora ya kupakia?
[hariri chanzo]
Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 19:22, 18 Septemba 2014 (UTC)
- Thanks for the notice. Sj
Google Translator Toolkit
[hariri chanzo]Hello Sj, do you know what would be the best summary and retrospective about the past attempts to grow dramatically at once, in particular the Google Translator Toolkit experiment? Does m:Machine translation already link the best resources available? I recently saw a pre-print of a paper which mentions WikiBhasha by Microsoft but failed to find references for Google... and Facebook's [Analytics] Relevant Content Availability suggests that people might makes the same mistakes again if there is no readily available knowledge of past attempts. --Nemo bis (majadiliano) 09:12, 17 Machi 2015 (UTC)
- Hi Nemo! GTT was used in a few big projects: The Swahili contest, and an Arabic initiative, are the two I know about. Erik was involved with the latter, and I was with the former. Some quick lessons:
- Iterate; add stubs or 5-para articles rather than long articles to projects full of stubs; start with simple language, not college-level translation memory strings.
- Build on templates: find categories of knowledge where infoboxes can be pretty automatically generated, with minimal review. That can be a useful step in the iteration.
- Have good lists of articles for others to choose from: this (or a focused editathon) works better than letting people pick any topic at all.
- Encourage writing about current events and pop culture: sports and music. These are topics that many editors will all want to edit together, and to get right.
- Maintain balance: organize translation projects with a minimum # of existing editors comfortable w the existing communirty & process. Use the notion of competition to encourage and honor active contributors, and increase participation of infrequent contribs; and only secondarily to bring in people who start & stop contributing at the start & end of the contest.
- Make the translation memory generated by any contest publicly available so anyone can build on it or create better toolchains, or insert their own more-appropriate TM (for instance, a lower-complexity-level TM rather than a specialist TM, if many editors are expected to be second-language writers, or high school students)
Sj + 02:39, 10 Septemba 2015 (UTC)
- Hi Sj, just looked at this because of the Swahili restricted article debate. If you mention lessons from the Swahili contest - did I overlook that you mentioned the agreed opinion on sw-wikipedia that the contest produced lots and lots of bullshit (few good ones, too!), i.e. unreadable stuff?? Which we still have not managed to clear up.Kipala (majadiliano) 16:58, 10 Septemba 2015 (UTC)
- oh yes, having newbies 'using a translation tool' rather than writing thoughtfully with the help of a tool, leads to lots of crap. Both mistranslations, broken templates, neologisms, bad syntax, and inappropriate content (might make sense in the context of a different wiki with sources on a different language, but not in the new language and context.). And automated told can produce heaps and heaps of bad material, much more than the existing community had energy to monitor and correct. So: don't do that. See there points above, especially on 'balance'.
- Hi Sj, just looked at this because of the Swahili restricted article debate. If you mention lessons from the Swahili contest - did I overlook that you mentioned the agreed opinion on sw-wikipedia that the contest produced lots and lots of bullshit (few good ones, too!), i.e. unreadable stuff?? Which we still have not managed to clear up.Kipala (majadiliano) 16:58, 10 Septemba 2015 (UTC)
Famouse Ukrainian People or maarufu Kiukreni
[hariri chanzo]- Hello Sj! Sorry for writing in English. I don`t understand Swahili. I ask you to contribute with translation into the Swahili language. Could you or other users of your wikipedia translate some articles, that dedicated for prominent figures in Ukraine. The list shown on the page Wikipedia:Makala zilizoombwa. It is equipped interlanguage links and given pronunciation on Latin alphabet.--Yasnodark (majadiliano) 11:36, 10 Aprili 2016 (UTC)
- (A curiously specific request.)
Ombi la MetaWiki
[hariri chanzo]Salaam, Naomba munichangie msaada wa kukubali ombi langu la kupewa laptop kule Meta-Wiki. Kiungo hiki hapa. Wako,--MwanaharakatiLonga 13:19, 17 Machi 2017 (UTC)
- Habari, Muddyb. Nakuona, hakuna shida. :) Sj + 16:15, 17 Machi 2017 (UTC)
How we will see unregistered users
[hariri chanzo]Hi!
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
18:19, 4 Januari 2022 (UTC)
Have you voted in the UCoC enforcement guidelines ratification?
[hariri chanzo]Hi! @Sj:
The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is now open! Voting commenced on SecurePoll on 7 March 2022 and will conclude on 21 March 2022. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.
Please vote and encourage other editors of Swahili Wikipedia to also vote.
Regards,Zuz (WMF) (majadiliano) 11:21, 11 Machi 2022 (UTC)