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Uldrik Zwingli

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
(Elekezwa kutoka Huldrych Zwingli)
Zwingli akihubiri mimbarini, kazi ya Otto Münch, 1935

Uldrik Zwingli (1484 - 1531) alikuwa padri wa Uswisi aliyefuata mfano wa Martin Luther kwa kudai kwamba Biblia ya Kikristo iwe msingi wa imani, bila kuangalia desturi zilizojitokeza katika historia ya Kanisa.

Aliwahi kuwa na mawazo yaliyofanana na ya Luther bila kumjua. Baada ya kusoma maandishi yake akaongoza tapo la kutengeneza Kanisa, akakubaliwa na viongozi wa serikali za miji na mikoa mbalimbali ya Uswisi iliyojitegemea.

Kanisa Katoliki likamtenga na tapo lake halikuenea nje ya nchi yake.


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Martin Luther alitetea Chakula cha Bwana kuwa tendo la Kristo mwenyewe. Aliona Mkate ndio mwili wa Kristo wakati wa ibada hii kwani Kristo alisema "Huu ndio mwili wangu". Lakini Zwingli alisema mkate katika ibada ni ishara tu inayomaanisha mwili wa Kristo, tena alifundisha ubatizo na chakula cha Bwana kuwa matendo ya Wakristo tu yanayoiga mfano wa Yesu. Katika jambo hilo hawakupatana na ndiyo sababu kwa muda mrefu walishindwa kuwa na ibada za pamoja, lakini siku hizi kuna maelewano.


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Zwingli's collected works are expected to fill 21 volumes. A collection of selected works was published in 1995 by the Zwingliverein in collaboration with the Theologischer Verlag Zürich[1] This four-volume collection contains the following works:[2]

  • Volume 1: 1995, 512 pages, ISBN 3-290-10974-7
    • Pestlied (1519/20) "The Plague Song"
    • Die freie Wahl der Speisen (1522) "Choice and Liberty regarding Food"
    • Eine göttliche Ermahnung der Schwyzer (1522) "A Solemn Exhortation [to the people of Schwyz]"
    • Die Klarheit und Gewissheit des Wortes Gottes (1522) "The Clarity and Certainty of the Word of God"
    • Göttliche und menschliche Gerechtigkeit (1523) "Divine and Human Righteousness"
    • Wie Jugendliche aus gutem Haus zu erziehen sind (1523) "How to educate adolescents from a good home"
    • Der Hirt (1524) "The Shepherd"
    • Eine freundschaftliche und ernste Ermahnung der Eidgenossen (1524) "Zwingli's Letter to the Federation"
    • Wer Ursache zum Aufruhr gibt (1524) "Those Who Give Cause for Tumult"
  • Volume 2: 1995, 556 pages, ISBN 3-290-10975-5
    • Auslegung und Begründung der Thesen oder Artikel (1523) "Interpretation and justification of the theses or articles"
  • Volume 3: 1995, 519 pages, ISBN 3-290-10976-3
    • Empfehlung zur Vorbereitung auf einen möglichen Krieg (1524) "Plan for a Campaign"
    • Kommentar über die wahre und die falsche Religion (1525) "Commentary on True and False Religion"
  • Volume 4: 1995, 512 pages, ISBN 3-290-10977-1
    • Antwort auf die Predigt Luthers gegen die Schwärmer (1527) "A Refutation of Luther's sermon against vain enthusiasm"
    • Die beiden Berner Predigten (1528) "The Berne sermons"
    • Rechenschaft über den Glauben (1530) "An Exposition of the Faith"
    • Die Vorsehung (1530) "Providence"
    • Erklärung des christlichen Glaubens (1531) "Explanation of the Christian faith"

The complete 21-volume edition is being undertaken by the Zwingliverein in collaboration with the Institut für schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte, and is projected to be organised as follows:

  • vols. I–VI Werke: Zwingli's theological and political writings, essays, sermons etc., in chronological order. This section was completed in 1991.
  • vols. VII–XI Briefe: Letters
  • vol. XII Randglossen: Zwingli's glosses in the margin of books
  • vols XIII ff. Exegetische Schriften: Zwingli's exegetical notes on the Bible.

Vols. XIII and XIV have been published, vols. XV and XVI are under preparation. Vols. XVII to XXI are planned to cover the New Testament.

Older German / Latin editions available online include:

See also the following English translations of selected works by Zwingli:

  1. Huldrych Zwingli, Schriften (4 vols.), eds. Th. Brunnschweiler and S. Lutz, Zürich (1995), ISBN 978-3-290-10978-3
  2. English titles are those of Stephens 1992, pp. 171ff
  • Bainton, Roland H. (1995), Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, New York: Meridian, ISBN 0-452-01146-9.
  • Cameron, Euan (1991), The European Reformation, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-873093-4.
  • Chadwick, Owen (2001), The Early Reformation on the Continent, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-926578-X.
  • Estep, William Roscoe (1986), Renaissance and Reformation, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ISBN 0-8028-0050-5.
  • Furcha, E. J., mhr. (1985), Huldrych Zwingli, 1484–1531: A Legacy of Radical Reform: Papers from the 1984 International Zwingli Symposium McGill University, Montreal: Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, ISBN 0-7717-0124-1.
  • Gäbler, Ulrich (1986), Huldrych Zwingli: His Life and Work, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, ISBN 0-8006-0761-9.
  • Greenslade, S. L., mhr. (1975), The Cambridge History of the Bible, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-29016-3.
  • Locher, Gottfried W. (1981), Zwingli's Thought: New Perspectives, Leiden: E.J. Brill, ISBN 90-04-06420-6.
  • Old, Hughes Oliphant (1998), The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 4, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, ISBN 978-0-8028-4775-1.
  • Potter, G. R. (1976), Zwingli, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-20939-0.
  • Rilliet, Jean (1964), Zwingli: Third Man of the Reformation, London: Lutterworth Press, OCLC 820553.
  • Steinmetz, David Curtis (2001), Reformers in the Wings: From Geiler Von Kaysersberg to Theodore Beza, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-513048-0.
  • Stephens, W. P. (1986), The Theology of Huldrych Zwingli, Oxford: Clarendon Press, ISBN 0-19-826677-4.
  • Stephens, W. P. (1992), Zwingli: An Introduction to His Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-826363-5.
  • Stephens, W. Peter (2004), "The theology of Zwingli", katika Bagchi, David V. N.; Steinmetz, David Curtis (whr.), The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-77662-7.
  • Wandel, Lee Palmer (1990), Always Among Us: Images of the Poor in Zwingli's Zurich, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-52254-4.

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