
Francesco Petrarca (matamshi wa Kiitalia: franˈtʃesko peˈtrarka; Arezzo, 20 Julai 1304 – Arquà, Padua, 18/19 Julai 1374) alikuwa mshairi wa Italia wakati wa mwanzo wa Renaissance[1].
Katika karne ya 16, Pietro Bembo alisanifisha Kiitalia kwa kutegemea maandishi ya Petrarca na Giovanni Boccaccio, hata kuliko yale ya Dante Alighieri.[2]
Maandishi yake katika tafsiri ya Kiingereza
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Francesco Petrarch, Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum familiarium libri), translated by Aldo S. Bernardo (New York: Italica Press, 2005). Volume 1, Books 1–8; Volume 2, Books 9–16; Volume 3, Books 17–24 Kigezo:ISBN?
- Francesco Petrarch, Letters of Old Age (Rerum senilium libri), translated by Aldo S. Bernardo, Saul Levin & Reta A. Bernardo (New York: Italica Press, 2005). Volume 1, Books 1–9; Volume 2, Books 10–18 Kigezo:ISBN?
- Francesco Petrarch, My Secret Book, (Secretum), translated by Nicholas Mann. Harvard University Press Kigezo:ISBN?
- Francesco Petrarch, On Religious Leisure (De otio religioso), edited & translated by Susan S. Schearer, introduction by Ronald G. Witt (New York: Italica Press, 2002) Kigezo:ISBN?
- Francesco Petrarch, The Revolution of Cola di Rienzo, translated from Latin and edited by Mario E. Cosenza; 3rd, revised, edition by Ronald G. Musto (New York; Italica Press, 1996) Kigezo:ISBN?
- Francesco Petrarch, Selected Letters, vol. 1 and 2, translated by Elaine Fantham. Harvard University Press Kigezo:ISBN?
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- ↑ Petrarch's rediscovery of Cicero's letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Italian Renaissance and the founding of Renaissance humanism. This designation appears, for instance, in a recent review Ilihifadhiwa 25 Oktoba 2012 kwenye Wayback Machine. of Carol Quillen's Rereading the Renaissance.
- ↑ In the Prose della volgar lingua, Bembo proposes Petrarch and Boccaccio as models of Italian style, while expressing reservations about emulating Dante's usage.
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Bartlett, Kenneth R. (1992). The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance; a Source Book. Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company. ISBN 0-669-20900-7
- Bishop, Morris (1961). "Petrarch." In J. H. Plumb (Ed.), Renaissance Profiles, pp. 1–17. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 0-06-131162-6 .
- Hanawalt, A. Barbara (1998). The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History pp. 131–132 New York: Oxford University Press Kigezo:ISBN?
- James, Paul (2014). "Emotional Ambivalence across Times and Spaces: Mapping Petrarch's Intersecting Worlds". Exemplaria. 26 (1): 81–104. doi:10.1179/1041257313z.00000000044.
- Kallendorf, Craig. "The Historical Petrarch," The American Historical Review, Vol. 101, No. 1 (Feb. 1996): 130–141.
Marejeo mengine
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Bernardo, Aldo (1983). "Petrarch." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, volume 9
- Celenza, Christopher S. (2017). Petrarch: Everywhere a Wanderer. London: Reaktion. ISBN 978-1780238388
- Hennigfeld, Ursula (2008). Der ruinierte Körper. Petrarkistische Sonette in transkultureller Perspektive. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2008, ISBN 978-3-8260-3768-9
- Hollway-Calthrop, Henry (1907). Petrarch: His Life and Times, Methuen. From Google Books
- Kohl, Benjamin G. (1978). "Francesco Petrarch: Introduction; How a Ruler Ought to Govern His State," in The Earthly Republic: Italian Humanists on Government and Society, ed. Benjamin G. Kohl and Ronald G. Witt, 25–78. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0-8122-1097-2
- Nauert, Charles G. (2006). Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe: Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-54781-4
- Rawski, Conrad H. (1991). Petrarch's Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul A Modern English Translation of De remediis utriusque Fortune, with a Commentary. ISBN 0-253-34849-8
- Robinson, James Harvey (1898). Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters Harvard University
- Kirkham, Victoria and Armando Maggi (2009). Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-43741-5.
- A. Lee, Petrarch and St. Augustine: Classical Scholarship, Christian Theology and the Origins of the Renaissance in Italy, Brill, Leiden, 2012, ISBN 978-9004224032
- N. Mann, Petrarca [Ediz. orig. Oxford University Press (1984)] – Ediz. ital. a cura di G. Alessio e L. Carlo Rossi – Premessa di G. Velli, LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano, 1993, ISBN 88-7916-021-4
- Il Canzoniere» di Francesco Petrarca. La Critica Contemporanea, G. Barbarisi e C. Berra (edd.), LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano, 1992, ISBN 88-7916-005-2
- G. Baldassari, Unum in locum. Strategie macrotestuali nel Petrarca politico, LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano, 2006, ISBN 88-7916-309-4
- Francesco Petrarca, Rerum vulgarium Fragmenta. Edizione critica di Giuseppe Savoca, Olschki, Firenze, 2008, ISBN 978-88-222-5744-4
- Plumb, J. H., The Italian Renaissance, Houghton Mifflin, 2001, ISBN 0-618-12738-0
- Giuseppe Savoca, Il Canzoniere di Petrarca. Tra codicologia ed ecdotica, Olschki, Firenze, 2008, ISBN 978-88-222-5805-2
- Roberta Antognini, Il progetto autobiografico delle "Familiares" di Petrarca, LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano, 2008, ISBN 978-88-7916-396-5
- Paul Geyer und Kerstin Thorwarth (hg), Petrarca und die Herausbildung des modernen Subjekts (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009) (Gründungsmythen Europas in Literatur, Musik und Kunst, 2)
Viungo vya nje
[hariri | hariri chanzo]Angalia mengine kuhusu Petrarca kwenye miradi mingine ya Wikimedia: | |
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nukuu kutoka Wikiquote |
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matini za ushuhuda na vyanzo kutoka Wikisource |
- Petrarch and his Cat Muse
- Canzoniere (different edition) and other works
- Petrarch from the Catholic Encyclopedia
- Excerpts from his works and letters
- Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) (1304-1374)
- Works by Petrarca katika Project Gutenberg
- Timeline of life of Petrarch Ilihifadhiwa 15 Machi 2019 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Poems From The Canzoniere, translated by Tony Kline.
- Francesco Petrarch at The Online Library of Liberty
- De remediis utriusque fortunae, Cremonae, B. de Misintis ac Caesaris Parmensis, 1492. (Vicifons)
- Free scores of works by Petrarca katika Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)
- Petrarch and Laura Ilihifadhiwa 29 Julai 2013 kwenye Wayback Machine. Multi-lingual site including translated works in the public domain and biography, pictures, music.
- Petrarch - the poet who lost his head April 2004 article in The Guardian regarding the exhumation of Petrarch's remains
- Oregon Petrarch Open Book – A working database-driven hypertext in and around Francis Petrarch’s Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta (Canzoniere)
- Historia Griseldis From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress
- Francesco Petrarch, De viris illustribus, digitized French codex, at Somni
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