Marcel Proust

Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (10 Julai 1871 - 18 Novemba 1922) alikuwa mwandishi nchini Ufaransa. Alitunga hasa riwaya lakini pia masimulizi mafupi. Kazi yake iliyojulikana zaidi ni À la recherche du temps perdu (Kutafuta wakati uliopotea) ikatolewea kwa mfululizo wa vitabu saba kati ya 1913 hadi 1927.
Viugo vya Nje
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Le temps de Proust Ilihifadhiwa 5 Agosti 2007 kwenye Wayback Machine.- a blog about (re)reading Proust and the associated secondary literature
- Reading Proust- A reader enjoys the new Penguin/Viking translations of In Search of Lost Time.
- Reinterpretation of Remembrance Of Things Past Ilihifadhiwa 23 Juni 2006 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Why Proust? And Why Now? Ilihifadhiwa 7 Juni 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine. - an essay on the lasting relevance of Proust and his work
- A short Proust bibliography Ilihifadhiwa 11 Aprili 2005 kwenye Wayback Machine. (bilingual)
- Ilihifadhiwa 14 Oktoba 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.- many useful links, including to online texts of Lost Time in French and English
- The Kolb-Proust Archive for Research
- Marcel Proust, a personal site in Italian
- Essay by Stephan Reimertz on Proust in Germany (in French) Ilihifadhiwa 23 Februari 2007 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Marcel Proust's Album, Marcel Proust receives a tribute in this album of "recomposed photographs".
- Marcel Proust et l'aviation Ilihifadhiwa 23 Juni 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine., Proust and airplanes.
Proust kwenye tovuti
[hariri | hariri chanzo]- Works by Marcel Proust katika Project Gutenberg French text of volumes 1-4 and Swann's Way in English translation
- University of Adelaide Library Ilihifadhiwa 14 Februari 2006 kwenye Wayback Machine. French text of volumes 1-4 and the complete novel in English translation
- Works of Marcel Proust Ilihifadhiwa 2 Desemba 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.
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