Nenda kwa yaliyomo

Majadiliano ya mtumiaji:N2~swwiki

Yaliyomo ya ukurasa hayatumiki katika lugha nyingine.
Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Hi there. I would like to inform you that we are about to usurp your user name and give it to somebody else whose actually willing to use the name for this wiki and other wikis as well. I will eventually change your name to Mtumiaji:N2. You will use the same password, but different name. I'm giving you three days to plead for your user name. With best regards, Muddyb or,--MwanaharakatiLonga 12:27, 18 Aprili 2012 (UTC) [jibu]

Your account will be renamed

[hariri chanzo]

08:28, 20 Machi 2015 (UTC)


[hariri chanzo]

11:58, 19 Aprili 2015 (UTC)