Nenda kwa yaliyomo

Tamasha la Agbamevo

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Tamasha la Agbamevo (Tamasha la Kente) ni tamasha la kila mwaka linalosherehekewa na machifu na watu wa Eneo la Jadi la Agotime. Liko kilomita kadhaa mashariki mwa Ho katika Mkoa wa Volta nchini Ghana.[1][2] Kawaida husherehekewa mwezi wa Agosti.[3][4] Wao ni Watu wa Ga-Adangbe.[5] Neno Agbamevo linamaanisha 'loom-cloth' katika Lugha ya Ewe.[6]

Marejeo[hariri | hariri chanzo]

  1. "Agotime Konor ask government to support kente industry". (kwa Kiingereza). 19 Septemba 2011. Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-08-18.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
  2. Agbewode, Samuel (8 Septemba 2009). "Ghana: Chiefs and People of Agortime Celebrate Agbamevor Za in Style". All Africa.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
  3. "Goldstar Air | Tour Packages Volta Region". Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-08-18.
  4. "Visit Ghana | Kpetoe Kente Weaving Village". Visit Ghana (kwa American English). Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-08-18.
  5. "Volta Region". (kwa American English). 2016-02-24. Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-08-18.
  6. ""Agbamevo: The Voice of the Ewe Kente Weaver," exhibit through May 1 | North Central College Fine & Performing Arts". Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-08-18.