Kigezo:Convert/list of units/area/short list

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
(Full list)
system unit unit-
notes sample default
output units
SI square kilometre km2 km2 US spelling: square kilometer
km2 1.0 (sq mi 0.39)
  • km2 sqmi
square metre m2 m2 US spelling: square meter
m2 1.0 (sq ft 11)
  • m2 sqft
square sentimetre cm2 cm2 US spelling: square centimeter
cm2 1.0 (sq in 0.16)
  • cm2 sqin
square milimetre mm2 mm2 US spelling: square millimeter
mm2 1.0 (sq in 0.0016)
  • mm2 sqin
non-SI metric hectare ha ha ha 1.0 (acre 2.5)
US customary
square mile sqmi sq mi sq mi 1.0 (km2 2.6)
  • sqmi km2
acre acre (none) acre 1.0 (ha 0.40)
square yard sqyd sq yd sq yd 1.0 (m2 0.84)
square foot sqft
sq ft long code "sqfoot" outputs square foot (and never feet) sq ft 1.0 (m2 0.093)
  • sqft m2 (sqfoot m2)
square inch sqin sq in sq in 1.0 (cm2 6.5)
  • sqin cm2
Other square nautical mile sqnmi sq nmi sq nmi 1.0 (km2 3.4; sq mi 1.3)
dunam dunam (none) For alternative spellings and definitions see the full list dunam 1.0 (km2 0.0010; sq mi 0.00039)
tsubo tsubo (none) tsubo 1.0 (m2 3.3)